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10 technologies that are changing business

Written by Alex Dikastopoulos | Jun 12, 2023 1:25:00 AM

In the rapidly evolving world of technologies, ten innovations stand out for their important role in changing business. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, these technologies are reshaping the way businesses operate and creating new opportunities. Let's take a look at what these technologies constitute and what exactly they offer to a business.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence manages huge data sets that would be impossible for a human being. In general, digital transformation relies on the exploitation of large volumes of information, which are an asset for businesses.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are redefining business, especially in areas such as insurance, retail and online business. NVIDIA has made special mention of the effectiveness of AI technology in retail, in terms of preventing theft, human error and fraud at an overwhelming 98% rate.

It is therefore envisaged that AI will be adopted horizontally in voice assistance, CRM systems, e-commerce chatbots and many more applications. Meredith Schmidt from Salesforce argues that small businesses will be helped the most, for handling repetitive tasks and automation in customer service.

Recent IBM data also shows that 35% of businesses are already leveraging AI technology with 42% considering more use cases. In addition to data analytics, AI can also help personalize service delivery and communication, both for telecommuting employees and a business's customers.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a technology that serves many applications. It is not just a technology for storing digital files. Amazon Web Services - AWS is, for example, a cloud infrastructure through which you can have a Cloud call center.

The proliferation of cloud computing has created the need for collaboration with software engineers, cloud architects, cloud system administrators and cloud service providers. Therefore, a business that really wants to differentiate itself and make good use of cloud computing, carefully selects the right tech partners!


The adoption of 5G technology already started in 2019, but the pandemic delayed its development considerably. However, the benefits of fifth-generation mobile communications include really faster data speeds than 4G networks can deliver.

Ericsson Mobile estimates that the number of IoT devices deployed using 5G mobile connections will nearly double between late 2022 and 2028.

The immediacy of data transmission is also relevant to IoT technology, as 5G networks are more capable of supporting the interconnection of smart devices than 4G or Wi-Fi technologies. As IoT strengthens, more career opportunities will open up towards this direction.

VoIP telephony

VoIP technology has redefined communication in the business world, offering more efficient and cost-effective solutions. VoIP telephony (Voice over Internet Protocol) allows voice calls to be transmitted over the Internet, reducing telephone charges, improving the quality of communication and enabling easier communication regardless of geographical location.

With additional features such as video conferencing, voice2email and integration with CRM systems, VoIP enhances productivity and collaboration in businesses, helping them to integrate communication and information-sharing automation.

AR and VR applications

AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) technology offers many opportunities for businesses. It can improve staff training, provide a more unique approach to product presentations to customers, and upgrade the design and development of new products.

In addition, it enables enriched and interactive experiences for customers, but also brings international work teams closer together, enabling interaction, research, design and brainstorming in virtual environments.


Superapps are platforms where one can search and activate various apps through a single app search interface. For businesses, this means that they have a multi-tool at their fingertips, which can be used to choose the functionalities they need to activate or deactivate, according to their needs.

Already we are seeing increased use of Superapps, which seem a quite useful technology for small and medium-sized businesses, in terms of automating operations and thus saving time.


Enhancing enterprise cybersecurity is a technology that affects all businesses, as every business wants to avoid data breaches.

Although cyberattacks have become more common recently, many small businesses find it relatively unlikely to be cyberattacked. However, changing the way business is conducted now (e-banking, electronic filing, electronic communications via chat, etc.) increases the risk of cyber-attacks. This means that every business should put cybersecurity high on their priority list.

Big data

Big data technology and the need for its analysis are evolving rapidly, with most business leaders willing to invest in such technologies. Several of them, in fact, believe that using big data provides a competitive advantage for a business. Knowledge seems to be a force in this case. In short, whoever manages big data best, is the one who is right in the market.


It may have been used in the field of cryptocurrencies initially, but the truth is that blockchain technology can be used in business, solving problems and creating opportunities. Such opportunities may have to do with sophisticated payment systems, financing, authentication, data sharing, etc.

Between 2018 and 2019, Blockchain was included among the top five priorities in the business world, according to Deloitte.


CRMs are a vital tool for, as they help centrally organize, monitor and manage the client base. They enable the automation of communication, personalization of offers and data analysis to discover opportunities and trends.

In the future, it is expected that the use of CRM will be enhanced by artificial intelligence, which will be able to give predictions, offer more personalization and act as a conversational tool for operators' daily tasks

Voiceland ensures the top technologies related to corporate communication. We use state-of-the-art systems that enable impeccable performance in call centers. We provide additional functionalities that help modern gain a competitive advantage and we can guarantee that our systems meet 100% of your communication needs.

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