Features &

Leverage advanced features and enjoy seamless integration between your call center and all your enterprise information systems.


Voicemail for
your business PBX.

Voiceland’s business voicemail feature, also known as Voice2Mail, is a system designed for times of high inbound call traffic to your cloud-based business PBX.

When all agents are busy, Voice2Mail ensures that incoming calls never go unanswered. A pre-recorded message guides callers to leave a voicemail. This voice message is automatically converted into an email, which is then forwarded to the contact center’s supervisor, provided the call isn't from a blocked number. As soon as an agent becomes available, the call is assigned to them so they can call the customer back and fulfill their request.

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Benefits of the Voice2Mail feature.

Zero unresolved requests; All your customers satisfied.

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Even when all of your agents are unavailable, callers are not left on hold. Instead, they have the option to verbally convey their request, and a member of your team will promptly return their call.

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Customer service agents don't have to feel stressed about answering calls when they're already on one. Callers can leave a voicemail, and customer support will call them back as soon as possible.

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With Voice2Mail, you can be confident that all your communications will be promptly addressed. You'll be notified of any voicemails via email, and then you can easily assign them to an agent.

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Business PBX with Voice2Mail.

Activate Voice2Mail to handle every incoming call and phone request without stress.

Technology helps callers and agents save time and address requests more efficiently. Why not choose missed call notifications and Voice2Mail for your business, too?

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